Fahreen Rajan

Director at Dragonfly Executive Solutions LLC, Fahreen Rajan's journey, a testament to resilience and excellence, begins in the United Kingdom. A pivotal move to Nairobi, Kenya, at the tender age of five sets the stage for her formative years, steeped in the vibrant rhythms of her family's business. This early exposure to entrepreneurship in Nairobi profoundly shapes her perspective and ignites her entrepreneurial spirit, laying the foundation for her future career path.

The dynamism of Nairobi's business landscape serves as her first classroom, imbuing her with keen business acumen and adaptability from a young age. Starting at Banda School, her education further molds her intellect and drive. She then attends Aga Khan Academy, where her thirst for knowledge flourishes, setting her on a trajectory of academic excellence.

Facing losing her mother, Fahreen seeks a fresh start in the United States. Her time at the prestigious Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, marks significant personal and academic growth. She thrives academically and in sports, demonstrating an outstanding ability to balance and excel in various endeavors, an attribute that has become a hallmark of her character.

Post-graduation in 1999, her educational journey led her to Babson College, renowned for its focus on entrepreneurship. Here, she delves into entrepreneurship studies, embracing every opportunity for growth and global engagement. A semester abroad at Hogeschool in Holland and a summer internship at Goldman Sachs in Singapore are pivotal, broadening her understanding of international business practices and enriching her educational experience.

In 2003, Fahreen graduated from Babson College with a degree and a wealth of diverse experiences. These formative years are instrumental in shaping her into the visionary leader she becomes, underpinned by resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. This period lays the groundwork for an illustrious career characterized by innovative thinking and transformative leadership.
